Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to you Help Them?

I work with a Woman who is currently taking care of her two Grandsons, while the father is in Boot Camp.

The mother and father are Divorced and currently have share parenting. The Father, before deciding to go into the Army was petitioning for

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jenn

Today is my daughter Jenn's Birthday.

Happy Birthday Jenn. I Love You.

Know something neat, she bought me flowers on her Birthday. The card said "Thank You For Having Me". Boy did I cry.

I Love my children!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This weekend was hard. I feel guilty for saying that, but it was.

I accomplished a lot a Saturday. at least the first part of it and then...

I was foolish and got angry just because I could't go to the Gym. What's that about?

Today, I got angry again because things didn't go my way. Go figure.

Last week I had made arrangments with the other set of Grandparents regarding transporting my three lovely Grandchildren

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I just had to say that I am blessed!

In the recent weeks due to many blessings I have been able to replace an Oven, a Stove Top, and Refridgerator, a TV and pay off two loans. Now, wouldn't you call that a blessing or two?

My car is currently in the shop being fixed from the incident with the Ford Focus Kissing Trail Blazer. Another Blessing!

I have a really neat rental. Another Blessing!

I baked a chocolate cake from scratch and it taste yummy. Another Blessing.

I have a Fabulous Family. Maximum of the Blessings there!!

I am loved and have the ability to love. Another Blessing.

Well, I guess you get the point. I Am Blessed.

Love Ya.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Loss of a Loved One

A dear friend of mine lost her mother on Saturday.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have a prayer request. I am hoping that by putting it in this blog, it will reach a lot of people and thus the "Power of Prayer"!

Yesterday on my way to work I was side swiped. By the Grace of God, no one was hurt!

I don't know how to begin this so I guess the best way is... From the Beginning.

I was exiting off of 82 West on to Elm Road (I only know that because the Officer told me) and was just kind of doing my thing, which is at that time of the morning driving and praying and out of the corner of my eye I saw a large black object coming my way. I tried to swerve to miss what ever it was, but it was too late. It turned out to be a 2007 Ford Focus Kissing Trail Blazer, which not so affectionately kissed the right side of my car. It was just like in the commercial, you know where all of the sudden the Woman is hit and wonders what happened, am I hurt, is anyone else hurt. You know what I mean?

Well, okay once I realized all was well with the exception of my car I took inventory of the situation. At once three individuals are running towards my car, two who weren't even involved but were just trying to make sure I was okay, and the other individual was the unfortunate soul who was driving the Ford Focus Kissing Trail Blazer. She was so frantic and was saying O.M.G. you are hurt. Which I assured her I wasn't but that the shaking was just a knee jerk reaction to the situation. It's kind of funny now, but I was shaking so bad that I couldn't even hold onto anything and couldn't remember where my flashers were. Once I got a grip I called 911 and notified them that there was an accident, and here I am a person who is totally lousy with directions, so f0r a moment or so I couldn't even tell them exactly where I was at. If it's isn't near something with color like a blue house with red trim or something, I am toast. North, South, East or West....well forget it. I think I need a Garmin. Anyway, once that was taken care of, I got out of the car to make sure that all was well as could be and to thank the two individuals who had stayed as witnesses. Made sure that they called their jobs so as to not get in trouble, etc.

Now, Donna (The Ford Focus Kissing Trail Blazer Driver) was so upset! She immediately said that it was all her fault and that she had ran the red light and that she was so sorry and bless her heart she was saying it really fast. So I said okay and hugged her and said let's take a breath, the important thing is that no one is hurt and that we would get it all straightened out. We accessed the damages and the "Ford Focus Kissing Trail Blazer" was UN-injured but the little Ford Focus has a Black Eye, Road Rash and a Bruised Bum. Poor Baby!

So here we are waiting for the Police and Freezing, but by that time believe it or not we were all actually laughing. Laughter is good! Well finally the police showed up and took the two Witnesses statements and after may hugs and exchanges of Thank Yous, they were on their way.

Well this leaves myself and Donna and while we were waiting for the checking of insurance, etc. We of course talked, especially because when I am nervous I talk and when someone else is nervous I talk in order to take their mind off of what is making them nervous. Turns out Donna is the same way. So here were two Women in their Mid-Forties, freezing and shaking and talking and talking and talking. Well talking is good because you learn a lot and I learned a lot!

I realize that I am a very blessed! My car is fixable, I am not hurt and I made a new friend!

Donna, it turns out was working over-time at Wall-Mart in order to get ahead and was tired. She was also worried because her husband had to leave for work, and was hurrying home to make sure that her daughter was up for School and that her son was safe. Her son has been subjected to Grand-Mal seizures since the age of three, he is now 22, he sufferer's from extreme depression and due to this cannot be left by himself for fear of him hurting himself. She was rushing home to her Children and was going over the Mental Inventory of you know.. Is this okay, is that Okay, Is she Okay is he Okay. You know we all do it! Well with that didn't pay attention and ..... Well I already told you the rest earlier so no need to repeat myself, right?

I told her that I would pray for her, her family and her son. She said thanks and seemed a little skeptical. She said she wondered sometimes why God let this happen to her and her family. I explained that maybe God knew she was the best person for the Job. Maybe she was the only one out of all of us, who knew how to help David. I believe that you know! She looked at me and a light kind of came into her eyes like wow maybe you are right. She then said that if she had to hit someone she was glad it was me because I didn't yell, or scream, or throw accusations and that I was the nicest person she has ever met. Now please, this is not about me, what I am trying to say here is a little compassion can go a long way! You know I wanted to pay her ticket because she was cited for failure to yield or something like that, but the officer said I couldn't do it right there because they don't carry debit machines in their cruisers. Well I think from here on out they should, just for such occasions. Don't you?

Donna and I have talked since this all occurred and she is doing well! The daughter got off to School okay and David was Safe.

My prayer request well if you haven't guessed is for Donna, David Senior, David and I feel so bad because I don't remember the daughter's name, but for the daughter also! Please pray for a Spiritual Healing in their lives! For David to be healed of the Seizures, that Donna wouldn't have to work overtime to make ends meets, that David Senior is being supportive and being supported by family and friends that the the young lady does well in school and doesn't feel part of the back-ground due to her brother's illness. I don't know if they know Jesus, so please pray for that too.

I Thank any and all who take the time to read this and take the time to Pray.

Hugs and Kisses Michelle

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sometimes, I feel so helpless!

My children are my world, yes even if my title is "Not So Perfect Mom".

My kids hurt because of their father. One is caught in the need to have contact with her father and the insanity that he brings into her life. The other has been alienated by him and has no idea why. Both are hurting and I don't know how to fix it. Aren't mom's suppose to be able to fix things?

I grew up without someone that actually deserved the title of Father. Never actually knew who he actually was. Don't feel bad for me, I don't, it's just the way it was and is!

With that in mind, I always wanted my girls to have a Great relationship with their Father and honestly, now I wonder why. He just causes them pain.

I wish I could talk to him and try to get through, however, I had tried this many times in the past and


About Me

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My Goal is to help as many people as humanly possible. Just because it feels good.